Sunday, May 21, 2006

Why Did We Pick This Fu@&!ng Date Anyway!?!?


Ok, so the GAB Book Club was supposed to meet at my house today - my chance to have my girlfriends over to my house, eat good food and chat some. Imagine my chagrin when I check the Evite last night (so I know how much food to make) and see that a total of 4 (yes, ONLY 4) people are planning to show up. Then one person calls today to say they aren't coming - that leaves me and 3 others. After having gone to the store to buy all the stuff for a meal, busting my ass to get my house respectable enough for guests, and finishing up the book at midnight last night, I was a little pissed. Then I decided to call the whole thing off - and called the three that were coming and told them as much. I made the meal anyway (jumbo Florentine shells) and fed it to my family instead.

Now, I don't know if this is some kind of conspiracy against me, but I find this pattern a bit odd: the first meeting I hosted, I had quite a few people show up, but no one really liked the book (and don't lie - I could tell....the best comment was "it was really interesting and I probably would have not picked this up if it weren't for GAB"); the second meeting - a few less people came, and only 2 or 3 people finished the book; the last meeting before this one - about the same amount of people as the second, and at least most everyone finished (and liked) the book. Now this. I have to say - my feelings are pretty hurt. I manage to make it to just about everyone else's house every month (even this past January when The Girl was barely 3 weeks old) and I usually finish the book (there are maybe 2 or three I didn't finish). We sat around last month for almost 45 minutes trying to figure out a good date for everyone, and I get 3 FUCKING PEOPLE?!!?!? I realize people have a life outside of GAB Club, and I do too, but COME ON! Why didn't we pick a different date, then? Do I live too far away? Do I keep picking shitty books? Maybe my cooking is bad.....? Miss Francine told me not to take it personally, but it was a bit too late by then. Maybe I'm being childish, maybe I'm blowing this out of proportion, but right now it's the way I feel (and this is my space to rant, so rant on I will). I felt like sitting down and crying, but I didn't want The Bohunk to see me, otherwise he would have wondered out loud why I put myself through this.

The thought ran through my head.."maybe I should drop out....maybe I just won't go to the next couple of meetings...." but what good would that do me? I would just continue to feel bad and then on top of it, miss seeing my friends (after this rant, I might not have anymore friends). And some, secretly, may take this personally, call me childish and immature for letting such a minor thing get to me (Nichelle, my life doesn't revolve around book club....GET OVER YOURSELF!) but right now I can't help it. I'll wallow in my self-pity for a bit, then put on my game face and move on.

Maybe next time I'll blog about Brody instead....


At 11:52 AM, Blogger PammyJean said...

I can totally understand how this might feel personal, but I'll betcha dollars to donuts it's not.

Of those who declined, at least 3 are pretty regular "no thanks"-ers. I was out of town (or you KNOW I'd have been there), and the other couple probably had a good reason.

The ones that kinda bug me are those who never reply at all -- even with a "maybe". Not just in this group -- I use evite for lotsa stuff, and there's always a large percentage that I can see have viewed it, and never respond. Ah, well.

And as for you being a bad cook? Shyeah! As if!

And I think that was my comment about the Piers Anthony book. I LIKE that we're not always reading whtaever Oprah recommended last. I think people were less than crazy about my last pick (a classic), but oh, well. That's why She Who Hosts, Chooses. You wanna read something else? Pick your date and let's see whatchoo got! ;)

Rant on, you crazy diamond.
(or something like that)

At 5:28 PM, Blogger Sus said...

I feel your pain Nichelle. Ever since my divorce I've felt more and more like I have some sort of disease...not from you but others. I've held two "get togethers" in 3 years and one got cancelled cause people backed out at the last minute.

Those who keep standing you up have no self-respect and no respect for others. Yes your home is a ways out there but that shouldn't matter between friends. I've travelled hundreds of miles to see my friends so anyone who complains about the drive to your place are nothin' but whiners!!

At 8:23 PM, Blogger DodysWorld said...

I was really bummed when you called. You know what a big deal I made of trying to find a date that everyone could come -- and it's in stone on my calendar each month! And I loved the book. I was really looking forward to discussing it. I do think it uncool when people don't respond at all, don't respond to the last minute or change for whatever reason. But next time, have us few over anyway - the three of us were obviously cooler than some of the others.

But no - you're cool. Your house is cool and mine is just as far (if not farther) away. You are a fantastic cook and I was feeling very sad that we missed this month!

At 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read your blog and am feeling a bit guilty!! I would have much rather been at your pad eating your stuffed shells, then crusin' behind motor homes doing 53mph on the way home from Telluride! It was not the distance to your house, certainly not your cooking and far far far from just not wanting to see you! All I can say was it was due to simple scheduling conflicts!! I really enjoy book club and view it as a bit of refuge from my crazy life! I promise cross my heart and swear I will not miss the next one at your house!!


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