Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Year, New Me (Ha!)

So to be short and sweet (since it's so late and I have a ton to do tomorrow), here are my resolutions for 2007:

1) Take better care of myself (i.e. buy myself things instead of talking myself out of them, or buying stuff for the husband/kids/house)

2) Be more spiritual (in whatever form that ends up taking)

3) Blog more than once a month

4) Work out

5) Read more

6) Have more fun

I did pretty good last year, until I got pregnant and then it all went out the window...

So what're YOU gonna do?


At 1:50 PM, Blogger PammyJean said...

I haven't made any formal resolutions, but overall, here are some things I'll be working on:
• Be a neater person. As in keeping the house less cluttered.
• Be more active about my Passion Parties business
• Look for a better-paying, better benefits job

At 4:12 PM, Blogger Sus said...

I must admit that I'm not a big fan of resolutions only cause I tend to use them to make myself feel like a failure when I don't accomplish the resolution. But I will say that I am going to try to get back to being on time for things. Got out of habit after my divorce since I didn't need to be nagging a certain kid about being on time! ;)


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